
 Looking at my overall ident campaign I  can emphasis that both ident represent the channels identity and audience. This is shown in my ident as  I have presented a specific theme which ITV2 seem to present  mostly on their channels. This includes how they present shows that shows people daily life, reality shows and many more. By doing this ident i looked at  ITV2's purpose  which is  to inform and entertain. By knowing and analyse things ITv2 requires for their channels it helped me create my both ident's by reflecting and comparing it to my daily -life routine . This was because I wanted most people to be able to relate and watch this ident as if they was the one.

 To begin with I made my storyboard which after editing and filming  things came out different. For instance at the beginning of my ident I did not have any voice overs saying ''Good morning ITV2." This shows how during the editing process I came up with different ways to entertain my audience.  the ending of my first ident was me eating according to my storyboard  during the editing process I changed everything and added voice over with 'coming up tonight' to make my ident realistic. Going more details about the process of me creating  the ident that will be broadcasted , I got white background screen with the itv2 logo and downloaded one of the love island scenes , so I put white background on animation in order for it to jump up. In addiction to that i cut the episode up and got one of the interesting scene. When it comes to editing i cut lots of things  such as the  running scenes were to long and I also added new shoots to my ident such as me coming inside of the house and leaving the house. I added voice-overs and music to my ident to give it a chilled vibe.                                           

My second is my strongest ident as most people can easily relate. With my second ident I sponsored domino's which makes my ident look different and realistic. I  added a cross dissolve to one of the coming up next images by cropping one of the domino's advert images and putting a voice over at the end to emphasis that this ident is sponsored by domino's. In addiction I detach the audio one of the domino's videos to give that dominos effect voice over. During my second ident i used lots  side effects such as cross dissolves  and cut most of the  filmed {which you can see it from my previous post } At the start of my ident i reused the ITV2 logo to emphasis what channel I'm presenting . This will help my audience to know that this ident is for ITV2 only .

Overall i think my ident  narrative was good and clear, maybe the ending of the second ident  could have introduced the next programs  as the ending looked empty. This could  be done with a voice over.

The idea of my overall campaign is that i wanted my campaign to relate to the audiences lifestyle. So what i did is that i made an ident that my audience would mostly relate to and the main idea was to let them know that even after the busy days or scheduled days is really important to take time to watch Tv as they might find what they like and relate.

 The advantage of me getting feedback from  my target audience based on my ident age group helped me to develop  and cut some scene which according  to  them wouldn't be interesting. For instance one of my first feedback from my first ident was to cut the scene where i was just eating in the kitchen the reason why  is because it was to simple  as it looked like a food advert .
