LO2 Be able to generate ideas for an original audio-visual promo - Planning - Neww

  In order for me to generate my ideas for an original audio-visual  i will need to think about .....


Settings: My house 

Both the ident will be set in my house as I will be presenting a morning routine and evening routine.     And in order to make this realistic as possible I will have to film inside my house. My first scene will be me getting ready to go for a run by going downstairs. Filming this at home I will be able to move around  get the right angles and shot along with a perfect bright light coming from the window in order , to emphasis ''Morning''.

Second Location :

 My second location could be my school . This is because I can easily use the nearest school stairs to the exit and in addiction  i would be reducing the movement of the camera from school to my house. And I will have the perfect bright light for my ident . Two or three disadvantage could be the fact that it wouldn't look realistic as filming inside the house as I can't present my morning routine in school. 





Activities and Launch Date 

Work plan

Contingency plan 

Risk Assessment 
