LO1 Understand the purpose of audio-visual promos

Music promo 

The song called 'This is America" is known to be one of the most well known entertaining, informative and educating songs.

As most of us know already this song is known to be one of those music videos that will forever be in our generation's history. This is because this music video has a big impact in what's going on in our world nowadays.

Now, breaking everything into details this song leaves clues in every scene that's presented. This  is because every scene has a key message of what's going on in America as the title also emphasises.

 How does does it educate/inform?

This song educates people by informing about the different types of violence such as gun violence. Like we can see from the first scene, the song starts off with ''we just wanna party'' with a man seating down with a guitar, but then when the song goes forward he starts saying ''we just want money'' which emphasises how many people only want to step up their future but due to being in America where there's so much violence and gun shooting, it keeps their foot stuck by making them unable to make a future. In the music video there's also an emphasis on how the students in the music video were  distracting themselves from things that are going on around them which implies how American people or everyone in general act like they are blind about things they see and are aware of, by not acting upon it.

Does it entertain ?

Yes it does, the reason I'm saying so is because  watching the scene we have a dancing group that is trying to distract the audience from taking a look at things behind them and it almost looks  like they want us to vibe with them but then it goes back to reality.

Watching this music video I can personally say that this music video can be relatable to people from the the age of 15-40. This is because even young people can relate to this song as it's mostly about things we still see in real life and most of them have seen already.

This music video can appeal to the audience through different aspects, for instance: camera, editing, sound, props.

Watching this music video, the background has played a big role. For example we have seen  students in uniforms dancing whenever the choir was singing and soon after that we heard a gun shot which indicates how America isn't safe for the next generation.

Sounds have impacted this video in different ways as we don't only hear the original song but we hear gun effects, different beats for the students to dance(Afro-beats) which present the African culture.

Another one is whenever we see an action, the editing goes fast in order to create the tension of the reality behind this. For instance there was a scene where a church choir was seen and while they were singing all of them were shot while the editing went left with pressure. This emphasises how people actually see them killed and nothing is done as it's forgotten.

  The key message for this music video is to get the audience to be aware of things we don't seem to talk about by bringing awareness and chances to talk about it to the community.
 Trailer from a film
Beckett (film) - Wikipedia 
 This movie educates and informs people in different ways. As many will know, this is a political psychological thriller about an American tourist in Greece. This can be one of those movies where it informs and educates while entertaining  people at the same time. The reason why I'm stating this is because foreigners getting into trouble can be a thing that happens still nowadays.
How is it entertaining ?
This movie starts off as a drama but then turns into a mystery thriller as the main character is seen running. This can be entertaining as it makes the audience wonder where the main character is going and what are they about to do.
How is it educating or informing people?
 This movie is informing us and educating us at the same time by giving awareness for those who love travelling to other countries as it informs us that not every country can be safe for tourists by educating us on political issues, which can sometimes have a big impact on us as they can turn out bad.

This movie is mostly for 16-40 years old.
The reason why i'm stating this is because it's very important that we educate the young generation about travelling  tragedies we can potentially experience.
 The movie uses lots of camera and editing techniques. For example, the camera editing was used every time that something tragic was going to be presented. This was a good way to get the audience's attention but also leaving them with tension.

Camera shots were used a lot in order to show the actors' emotions, for instance: extreme camera shots whenever a political comment was made.

 This is a good way to get the older generation's attention as it makes them want to know more.

TV Programme

 This TV program talks about a family that have powers and whose goal is to use their power to help others from getting hurt from bad people.

This  TV program educates people about how they should be there for their country or community when  things are seen to be going in the wrong way. This is the perfect TV programme to teach people to stand for their community and react instead of ignoring things like we do nowadays.

 Does it entertain ?

 This TV programme can entertain people in different ways by laughing or even watching some scenes where you are most likely to relate like for instance, the relationship part.

This movie's age rate is from 15 -30 years old as in the movie we mostly see this age group. This can be easy for the viewers to relate and not only that but there are also many action scenes.

As I mentioned before, we see lots of action and whenever action scenes are presented in the movie this means that lots of editing has been applied. This is one of those movies where superpowers are seen and in order to appeal to the audience they use lots of editing to get their interest.

Camera shots are also presented, for example whenever a character dies they present close-up camera shots to emphasise the pain the character is going through or they use  long shots to present fighting scenes.
 The key message of this program is to get people to be there for their  country  and almost be like super heroes by standing there for them and help each other out.

 Now comparing all of them together I can personally say that one of the main themes they all have in common is that they present the black culture. 
 This is a strong way to present different  situations in which black-Americans tend to be in.

The difference about them is that each one of them has a different message to give to the world especially America. The message is to get our world to bring changes to make sure everyone has a better life that we all deserve.

As we all have seen  from the previous explanations about "This is America” and “Black lighting" I can personally state that they both show how the country needs help by presenting all the negative things that are impacting and affecting the country. But the slight difference is that in one of them we see them actually fixing and helping by resolving the problems while in the other we only see the problem.
Comparing the 
Shifting my focus to differences they all have is the story-line. This is because the first one is a music video  which has his own lyrics and a good way to present what's going on in America while the second one is a TV show which is very different compare to the music video  it goes straight to the showing us what's going on and presenting each and individual characters. While the movie  has different duration time compare

